The Step-By-Step Guide To Tying The Perfect School Tie

The Step-By-Step Guide To Tying The Perfect School Tie

Children are inundated with the latest trends and styles in this digital age. Without a dress code, they would inevitably make judgements about their peers based on the clothes they wear. As a consequence, clothing can become a marker of social standing. School uniforms help prevent this kind of discrimination, ensuring that all, regardless of their background, enjoy the right to an education.

Uniforms foster a sense of solidarity among pupils and eliminate the chance for them to bully one another based on their background. School uniforms promote school spirit and provide pupils with a sense of belonging. Students are inspired to work as a team, fostering a feeling of pride in the institution they belong to.

What is a tie included in a school uniform?

A school tie symbolizes much more than a mere sign of group membership. It is a badge of honour and pride that provides a sense of belonging to an academic institution, year group, or house. It represents an adherence to a shared set of values, standards, and beliefs that define the school’s culture. By wearing the tie, students demonstrate their commitment to upholding the school’s values and standards. Furthermore, it serves as a reminder that they are part of a larger community and are responsible for working together to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Here is a guide to tying the perfect school tie

  1. Put a tie over your neck
    Wrap the necktie around your neck with your collar raised so that the centre of the tie is flat on the rear of your yoke and arc down. Take the broader side of the tie in your dominant grip and the tiny end in your other hand and draw it down so that the tip is about one foot shorter than the narrow end’s tip.
  2. Pass the broad end across the narrow end
    Pull the broad end over the rear end and buckle it with your non-dominant palm at the point where the two sections connect a few centimetres below your neck.
  3. Pull the broad end below the tie and across again
    Grab the broad end and drag it past the narrow end, back towards your dominant side, by sliding under the lower edge with your dominant hand.
  4. Drag the broad end through the middle
    Switching hands, bring the wide end up through the loop that forms across your neck and the tie, draw it all the way out over the small end, and then bring it back across the front where your knot is beginning to form.
  5. Loop your way through the knot
    While still keeping the wide end, use your other hand to make a little loop within the knot, then press the wider end down from the circle starting at the tip.
  6. Adjust the knot
    Adjust the knot. Gently squeeze the knot with the hand that isn’t your dominant one, then move it up until it hits the front of your collar by pulling down with the other hand on the narrow end. The knot should be at the centre. Your belt buckle’s top should touch the tip of the tie’s broad portion.


The neckties you select must be robust and reliable, just like the other components of your school uniform. Opt for a polyester tie for a more sensible choice – they require minimal upkeep, are less likely to crease, and are more resistant to blemishes. Ultimately, donning a school uniform is far more important than you might initially imagine.


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