10 Tips to Save Money on Quality Uniforms

10 Tips to Save Money on Quality Uniforms

When companies opt for uniforms, they should go for quality uniforms, whether it is housekeeping uniforms or some other uniform. It is beneficial in the long term to go for good quality uniforms. But quality uniforms require a more initial investment. Many uniform suppliers in Mumbai provide solutions for uniform customization to suit the company’s requirements.

Tips to save money on quality uniforms

  • Order in Bulk

Ordering in bulk is one of the great ways to save money on uniforms as the vendor gives a discount for a bulk order as so many pieces of uniforms are sold in one go. Many security agencies order from security uniform manufacturers in bulk. 

  • Give a contract

Giving a contract to one uniform vendor for the foreseeable future assures the vendor about current and future orders. The contract also fixes a rate which is good in case of a price rise due to a sudden increase in demand or less supply.

  • Compare uniform companies

Comparing companies for bulk orders is a great way to save money. Different quotes will be given by vendors, and this will work in favour of businesses. 

  • Keep a stock of accessories.

Keeping a stock of accessories like buttons, and strings, which are required with uniforms, is better. In case of any wear and tear of accessories, they can be replaced rather than buying new uniforms.

  • Select fabrics as per business

Selecting fabrics keeping in mind the nature of business will reduce maintenance costs and requirements for future uniforms. If delicate fabrics are chosen for rugged work, it will increase the need for uniforms as they will be worn earlier.

  • Shop online

Many online vendors provide quality uniforms at competitive prices. They have an array of collections which makes choosing them easier. Going online also saves commuting time for choosing vendors.

  • Go for the specialist.

Going to a fancy cloth shop for a housekeeping uniform will not give the desired results. It will be a waste of time and money.

  • Choose the design carefully.

While designing the uniform, the nature of the work should be kept in mind. Once ordered it is difficult to change or cancel the order because the design was not correct.

  • Calculate the requirement

While ordering in bulk is economical, ordering too much quantity that would not be required for years is not a good strategy. Calculate the requirement before ordering.

  • Figure out the maintenance process

Figuring out the maintenance process should be done in advance. Well-maintained uniforms will not wear out early to be replaced by new pieces. Uniform companies can advise on this. 


Saving money on quality uniforms does not mean compromising quality. It is essential for the uniform’s longevity and the company’s reputation. The quality of the uniforms will display how much a business is willing to pay for the safety and comfort of employees.


Uniform Companies

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